Burial: Accomack, Northhampton Co., VA
2. i. JOHN3 GRAVES, b. Abt. 1611, England; d. Bet. May 29, 1639 - May 30, 1640, Died intestate Elizabeth City Count, bet 5/29/1639 & 4/30/1640.
3. ii. THOMAS GRAVES, JR, b. Abt. 1616, Gloucester Co., VA left descendants; d. 1674.
iii. VERLINDA GRAVES, b. Abt. 1618; d. July 13, 1675; m. WILLIAM STONE.
Verlinda Graves (4) was born about 1618 in Va., and died 13 July 1675 in Charles Co., Md. She married Capt. William Stone before 1640, perhaps about 1634 or 1638 in Va. He was born about 1603 in Lancaster, Lancashire, England (or Somerset, England), and died 21 Dec. 1660 in Charles Co., Md. He was Governor of Maryland, the first Protestant Governor, Capt. of Colonial Service, and the third Colonial Governor appointed by Lord Baltimore 6 Aug. 1648. After his retirement from public life, he resided on his estate "Poynton Manor." In addition to the 6 children listed below, R-327 also listed Matthew Stone. (R-120, R-141, R-168, R-327)
Children - Stone
+17. Thomas Stone, b.c. 1638, m. Mary ------, d. 1676.
+18. John Stone, b.c. 1642, m(1) Elizabeth Warren, m(2) Eleanor Bayne, d. 1698.
+19. Elizabeth Stone, b.c. 1650, m. William Calvert, 1662, d. 1707.
20. Richard Stone
+21. Mary Stone, b.c. 1656, m(1) Benoui Thomas, m(2) Robert Doyne, 1674, d. 1656.
22. Catherine (or Katherine) Stone
iv. ANN GRAVES, b. Abt. 1620, Oldest daughter of Wm and Katherine educated in Europe; d. March 2, 1686/87; m. (1) WILLIAM COTTON, Before July 10, 1637; b. Some say she was also married to Doughty; m. (2) NATHANIEL EATON, By 1642; m. (3) FRANCIS DOUGHTY, June 8, 1657.
Notes for ANN GRAVES:
Ann (or Anne) Graves (5) was born about 1620, and died 2 March 1683/4 in Charles Co., Md. Her will was proved 18 July 1683 in Charles Co., Md. She first married Rev. William Cotton, son of Andrew Cotton and Joane ------, before 10 July 1637 in Hungar's Parish, Accawmack (or Accomac) Co., Va. He died in 1640. There is a tradition in the family that he was a son of widow Joan Cotton of Bunbury, Cheshire Co., England, and was granted 350 acres of land on the main branches of Hungar's Creek, adjoining the lands of his brother-in-law, Capt. William Stone. This consisted of 100 acres for personal adventure of himself and wife and 250 acres for the transportation of five persons to Virginia, viz. Eleanor Hill, Richard Hill, Edward Eason, and Domingo and Sambo, negroes. William Cotton was succeeded by Rev. John Rozier.
Ann secondly married Nathaniel Eaton, son of Richard Eaton, about 1641 (by 1642). Nathaniel was assistant to Rev. Rozier, and was previously the first head of Harvard College. He went to Virginia after his dismissal from Harvard. He fled from his creditors in Virginia about 1647, deserting his family, and died in 1674.
Ann thirdly married Francis Doughty, son of Francis Doughtie, on 8 June 1657. He died about 1683. He, like Ann's first two husbands, was Rector of Hungar's Parish. She later went with him to Rappahannock Co., where he was Rector of Sittenbourne and South Farnham Parishes in 1665. (R-114, R-515)
Children - Cotton
+23. Verlinda Cotton, b. 1638, m(1) Thomas Burdett, 1 Sept. 1658, m(2) Richard Boughton.
Children - Eaton
24. Samuel Eaton, d.c. April 1681 (Charles Co., MD).
25. Nathaniel Eaton
26. Alexander Eaton (?)
v. KATHERINE GRAVES, b. Abt. 1622; m. (1) WILLIAM ROPER, Abt. 1636; m. (2) THOMAS SPRIGG, March 3, 1649/50.
Katherine (or Catherine) Graves (6) was born about 1622, and died on or before 1668 at Resurrection Manor, Calvert, Prince George's Co., Maryland. She first married Lt. (later Capt.) William Roper about 1636. He was also a resident of Accawmack (Northampton Co.) on Virginia's Eastern Shore, and a burgess representing that county. His plantation was on a small neck of land with a waterfront location. Here he carried on a profitable trade. He died about 1650 in Va.
After Capt. Roper's death, Katherine married another neighbor, Lt. Thomas Sprigg, son of Thomas Sprigg and Katherine Griffin, on 3 March 1650/51. They were both living in Northampton Co., Va. at the time. Thomas Sprigg was born in 1630 in Kettering, Northamptonshire, England, and died in 1704 at Resurrection Manor, Calvert, Prince George's Co., Md. His will was probated 29 Dec. 1704. After Katherine died, he married Eleanor Nuthall in 1668.
Shortly after Katherine's marriage to Thomas Sprigg, they moved to the new colony of Maryland, where her brother-in-law, William Stone, had gone as governor. Thomas Sprigg's land certificate in Maryland shows that he transported himself, his wife Katherine, Verlinda Roper, Nathaniel Sprigg, and several others. Verlinda Roper was Thomas's young stepdaughter; Nathaniel may have been an infant son -- no other record of him has been found.
Sarah Sprigg is listed by some writers as a daughter of Katherine Sprigg and by some as a daughter of Thomas Sprigg's second wife. In 1770, Thomas Sprigg executed a deed of gift which identified Sarah as his oldest daughter. Sarah was already married and even had a married daughter, Sarah Pearce Beall, who was also mentioned in the deed. When we consider ages and dates, it seems likely that Sarah was from her father's marriage to Katherine Graves Roper. (See Md. Hist. Mag., VIII:75.)
Thomas Sprigg, Jr. is shown as the son of Katherine Sprigg in Adventurers of Purse and Person, pp. 190, 192. His birthdate is uncertain, but was probably about 1665. One possibility is that his mother died at or soon after his birth, and he was brought up by his stepmother, Eleanor Nuthall Sprigg.
In Maryland, Katherine and her family settled first in Kent Co., and then across the bay in Calvert Co. (R-11, R-116)
Children - Roper
27. William Roper; given a calf in the will of his godfather William Burdett.
28. Verlinda Roper
Children - Sprigg
29. Nathaniel Sprigg, b.c. Dec. 1650 (by Jan. 1658) (Northampton Co., VA), died young.
+30. Sarah Sprigg, b.c. 1657, m(1) John Pearce, m(2) Enoch Coombs, d.c. 1736.
+31. Thomas Sprigg, b.c. 1665, m. Margaret Mariarte, c. 1690, d.c. 1738.
4. vi. FRANCIS GRAVES, SR., b. Abt. 1630, Accomack, Northhampton Co., VA; d. Aft. August 5, 1691, MARSHA SUE SMITH HAMILTON'S Ancestors.
Generation No. 2
2. JOHN3 GRAVES (CAPTAIN THOMAS2, GRAVES1) was born Abt. 1611 in England, and died Bet. May 29, 1639 - May 30, 1640 in Died intestate Elizabeth City Count, bet 5/29/1639 & 4/30/1640. He married ELIZABETH PERRIN.
Notes for JOHN GRAVES:
John Graves (2) was the oldest son of Captain Thomas Graves. In the absence of documentation, Mrs. Hiden estimated his birth in one instance to be "by 1605" and "not later than 1616" in another. Based on all available evidence, it seems likely that he was born about 1611. He was almost certainly born in England, since he did not receive land as an "Ancient Planter." All persons in Virginia prior to 1616 received an additional 50 acres. He was "of age" (21 years of age or older) before 19 Feb. 1634/5, for he had sued John Parramore (Accawmacke 1, p. 26), proving he was born at least by 1614, and on that date the Acchawmacke Court's decision was "John Parramore ordered to pay a debt of 100 lb. tobacco to John Graves".
(Note: On p. 48 of Louise Graves' book (R-501) is a comment that should be taken into consideration, since it indicates the possibility that he was not yet 21 in 1634/5. "It was the custom for the boys in Virginia to be married anywhere from 16 to 21 and the girls from 15 or 16 to 18 years of age. It is sad to relate, but life expectancy and the average age at death was around age 35 in those days, although many lived to be very old, even as in the present. It is noted that in almost all the wills of the period, while the testator's property did not usually come into the control of the male heir until he was 21 years old, yet sometimes the testator would declare that his son was to be considered 'of age' when he reached 16.")
John Graves died intestate in Elizabeth City County, possibly in April 1640. His death was between 29 May 1639, when he patented land, and 30 April 1640, when William Parry was named his administrator and bond was made (Northampton Co., Book 2, p. 281). Capt. Roper, William Cotton and Capt. Stone, brothers-in-law of John Graves and administrators of the estate of Capt. Thomas Graves, were originally appointed administrators of John Graves' estate, but in April 1640 they resigned and William Parry was appointed.
John Graves seems to have been the only one of his name in the county. Because most of the early records were destroyed, very little information is available about him, but land records and patents do reveal some facts.
On 9 Aug. 1637, John Graves patented 600 acres in Elizabeth City County near the upper end of the Back River, "due in right of descent upon his father Thomas Graves who transported at his own costs himself, Katherine Graves, his wife, sons John Graves, the patentee, and Thomas Graves, Jr., and 8 persons, Henry Singleton, Thomas Edge, Robert Phillips, Thomas Griggs, Thomas Phillips, Francis White, William Symber, Jone Packett." This patent is proof that Capt. Thomas Graves did not bring his family until after 1616, for had they come earlier they would all have been "Ancient Planters" and entitled to 100 acres each instead of 50 acres. This patent was near the lands of Capt. Adam Thoroughgood and east of the dwelling of Ohner Van Kirk. In 1638 and 1639 he received additional patents.
The holdings of John Graves were near the York County line and almost directly opposite Hungar's Creek in Northampton Co. (formerly Accawmacke) on the Eastern Shore, where his father had lived and where his sisters were still living at that time.
The wife of John Graves is not known, but John Card Graves stated (R-515): "He married a daughter of the illustrious Perrin family, large property owners, and prominent in Virginia history." He gave no basis for this statement. (R-515)
Children - Graves
+8. Ralph Graves, b. by 1629, m. Rachel Croshaw, c. 1652-4, d. 9 May 1667.
+9. William Graves, b. by 1631, married, d. before 1668.
+10. Thomas Graves, b. by 1631, m. Elizabeth ------.
11. Sarah Graves, m. Thomas Dipnall (Burgess from James City Co., Va. in 1654), by 1661.
+12. daughter, m. William Grenther.
i. RALPH4 GRAVES, b. Abt. 1629; d. May 9, 1667; m. RACHEL CROSHAW, Abt. 1652.
ii. WILLIAM GRAVES, b. Abt. 1631; d. Bef. 1668; m. UNKNOWN.
5. iii. THOMAS GRAVES, b. Bet. 1631 - 1632.
3. THOMAS3 GRAVES, JR (CAPTAIN THOMAS2, GRAVES1) was born Abt. 1616 in Gloucester Co., VA left descendants, and died 1674. He married UNKNOWN.
Thomas Graves (3) by some accounts was born about 1617, probably in England. He died about 1675 in Gloucester Co., Va., and left his land to his sons Thomas, Jeffrey and William. He settled in Gloucester Co., Va., and acquired large tracts of land there, part of which was granted in 1657. He patented 53 acres and later 240 acres in Gloucester Co., also 300 acres in Lancaster Co., Va. He was known as "Thomas Graves, Sr. of Timberneck Creek, Gloucester Co., planter." The name of his wife is not known, although it is believed to be Elizabeth (or Katherine). (R-515)
Children - Graves
+13. Thomas Graves, b.c. 1639, m(1) Mary ------, before 1677, m(2) Elizabeth ------.
+14. Jeffrey Graves, m. Dorothy ------, before 1680.
+15. William Graves, m. Mary ------, by 1686.
16. Mary Graves (given by John Card Graves, but not by most other sources).
4. FRANCIS3 GRAVES, SR. (CAPTAIN THOMAS2, GRAVES1) was born Abt. 1630 in Accomack, Northhampton Co., VA, and died Aft. August 5, 1691 in MARSHA SUE SMITH HAMILTON'S Ancestors. He married JANE DAVENPORT Abt. November 28, 1678 in Accomack CO., or Old Rapphannock Co., VA. She was born Aft. 1636 in No one is sure if she was Jane Davenport Maguffey or Jane Maguffey Davenport, and died May 2, 1694 in She had children prior to her marriage to Francis.
Francis Graves was in Gloucester Co., Va., before settling in Essex adjoining Mr. Beverley's corner."
Co., 714 acres patented
Oct. 10, 1672 (S.L.O. 6, page 436) on the south side of the river, part of the branch of Gilson Creek and part of the Hoskins Creek
(Last modified: Feb 2nd 2014, 05:56)
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