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Photo's of various Churches that were part of the lives of the members of the Graves Family.
Tracing the Graves, Greaves and related lines "across the pond" to our English Roots.
The Graves Familes were hard working God fearing men and women engaged in many forms of business and trade.
Pictures of family headstones and cemeteries. From England to the "New World" the Graves Familes spead across this great land, they had large farms, and businesses. They built many churches, and were doctors, lawyers, war hero's, judges, politicians and famous preachers. They raised large families and many have passed into history.
The "War of the Rebellion" caused a great upheaval in the family, literally pitting brother against brother in my own family.
Benjamin F.Graves was a Confederate soldier captured and charged as a rebel spy.
Various Obituaries and News on Deaths of Families and Relatives. Click to view larger images.