Cole Bad Inn - Out Kitchen The Reverend Robert Sallee James and Zerelda Mimms James stayed before going to Missouri
A view of the Cole Place showing the Out Kitchen and Spring House (Taken from the Cemetery on the Hilltop)
Graves Mill, The Old Millhouse of Thomas Graves of Culpepper County, VA
J.E. Graves homestead, Circa 1870, Hickory, Newton County, Mississippi.
J.E. Graves last homestead, Circa 1909,Laurel, Mississippi. (A water tower now stands where the old house stood)
Old Heavenhill House , purchased by Thomas Bushrod Graves (still standing), Bardstown, KY
Old Homeplace of Thomas and Mary Graves (Still Standing)(Barely), Chaplin, KY on The Graves Farm
Spring House on the Old Cole Place, Woodford County, KY
Springfield Home of Thomas Graves Louisa County Virginia
Waits Place, 1946 (Back View) Former Site of Coles Bad Inn, Woodford County, KY
Waits Place, 1946 (Front) Former Site of Coles Bad Inn, Woodford County, KY