St. Anne's Church Beeley, England
The restored first Church at Jamestown, Virginia
Elkhorn Baptist Church Frankfort County KY
Graves Chappel , Syria Virginia (Near Graves Mill and Graves Mountain Lodge) The Walton's were not the only family with a mountain!
Hungars Episcopal Church, Eastern Shore, Virginia (Circa 1890) (Thanks to the church for the photo)
Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, Pleasant Ridge, KY (Gravesite of Benjamin F. Graves and wife plus Mary Emma Graves)
Hickory Grove Baptist Church (Laurel Mississippi) Home Church of the JE Graves Family
Mount Zion Congregational Methodist Church
Alabama Methodist Church in Weldon Louisiana (Next to Weldon Baptist Church)
Weldon Baptist Church Home Church for Elizabeth Laird Graves after the death of JE Graves in 1913