In the name of God Amen, June 25 1746. I Francis Graves of Essex County and St. Anne’s Parish being of perfect mind and memory do make this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form as followeth Viz;
Item 1, I send to Ann, my wife, all my Negro’s I now am part vesting for her using her natural life or widowhood and then one third of my personal estate.
Item 2, I give unto my daughter Clara Higginbotham Seven Pounds Current money and I will that the remainder of my personal estate be equally divided among my other four children Viz... Jene, William, Elizabeth, Mary and my desire is that after the decease or widowhood of Ann, my wife, that all of the Negro’s I now send her that she may appraise and equally divide amongst my children. Viz... Jene, Ann, Clara, Elizabeth, Mary and William. I constitute and appoint Ann, my wife, and my son William as Executors of this My Last Will and Testament In Witnesef have set my hand and fixed my seal the day and the year above written.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Edward Almond, John Sneed and Richard Sneed ...Signed Francis F. Graves
At a court held for the county of Essex at the town of Tappahannock on the 18th day of October Anno Domini 1748. The said Last Will and Testament of Francis Graves (deceased) was presented in court by Ann Graves and William Graves the Executrix and Executor herein named whose oat thereto and have further proved by the oath of John and Richard Sneed, two of the witnesses thereto was admitted to Record on the motion of Executrix and Executor and their performing what the Laws in such cases require a certificate is granted for obtaining Probate thereof in one form.
Test John Lee Sutton