My last will and testament after the following manner. Item 1st, I give and bequeath unto my wife, Nancy Graves, the use of all my lands in the State of Kentucky during her life, together with all the formal estate. But is she chooses to divide any of the estate among my children, and then she is to divide equally among them not giving one child more than another. Item 2nd, I give and bequeath my 3 daughters Sasanna, Eliza and Martha, 1 horse and a saddle, 1 bed and furniture, and 1 Negro girl to each of them, and the horses beds, bridles, saddles and Negro girls to be valued to each of them so as to make them equal. I have given to my 2 sons, William and Eilas, my son, John is to have 200 areas to have to be laid off to him so as not to injure the farm of the manor and the remainder to be equally divided among the above named 3 daughters agreeable to quantity and quality-what land I have given to my 2 sons, William and Eilias Graves they are to charged in the alternate settlement of my estate $1,000 each-the lands share bequeath to my 3 daughters and my son, John they are to be charged with $5.00 per acre in the final settlement of my estate-Item 3 rd, share sold my 6 above named children interests in the lands of their grandfather, Richard Thomason Sr., deceased to Joseph Thomason and bound myself for the title being made good to the said Joseph Thomason believing it to be to the advantage to my 6 above children. Now if either of the before named 6 children refuse to convey their right and title in fee simple the before named land to the said Joseph Thomason then those that convey shall be entitled to the legacy of those that refused to convey-Item 4 th, I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah Jones $200 dollars out of my estate and no more. If they depart this life before they receive it then said $200 is to be paid to the other children. Item 5 th, I give and bequeath to Frances Smith to married my daughter, Fanny $1.00 out of estate and no more. Item 6 th, after the death of my wife, Nancy Graves, my will and desire that the lands in personal estate in Kentucky bequeath to sons shall be sold on a credit of 12 months and the proceeds there of divided among my second and last wives children so as to make them all equal by quantity and the legacy willed to the 6 before named children from my second wife. Item 7, I nominate and appoint my wife, Nancy Graves, Executrix of my last will and testament granting her the power and privilege of choosing who shall act with her as my executor and whoever she selects shall act as executor and her as executrix. In testimony where of I have given my hand and affixed my seal this 6 th day of August in the year of our Lord, 1814.
Witneseth Richard Quinn
Witneseth John Hash
Signed John D. Graves
Franklin County, Kentucky Will Book 2, page 201