In the name of God Amen, I John Graves of the County of Essex and the Parish of St. Ann’s being sick and weak of body, but of sound mind and memory, thanks be to God for knowing that it is appointed but once for all men to die. I commit my body to the earth and my Soul to God that gave it. After all my debts and legacies are paid, I give my Estate as followeth...I give to my well beloved wife Hannah Graves my plantation, where I now live. Having it for life provided she does not marry again, but if she does marry again, it is my will that the Land, upon her marriage, shall go to my son James Graves and his heirs lawfully begot of his body. If my son James Graves shall die without lawful heirs then it is my wish that my Land shall go to my son Benjamin Graves and his heirs forever. I further give to my daughter Martha Graves one cow and calf to be paid at the day of her marriage; I further give to my daughter Ann Graves one cow and calf to be paid at the date of her marriage. I further give to my daughter Jean one cow and calf to be paid at the date of her marriage. After all my legacies are paid I give unto my loving wife Hannah Graves, during her natural life the residual of my estate and upon her death, it is my will that my estate be equally divided among all my children. I further appoint my well beloved wife as sole Executrix of my Last Will and Testament, revoking and denying all other Wills and Testaments heretofore by me made.
Signed, Sealed in the presence
of us September 4th 1719.
John Graves (His Seal)
Robt. Elliott
John Almay
Johannah E. Elliott