24 Oct 1801
In the name of God Amen I Thomas Graves of Fayette County and State of Kentucky being infirm in body, but perfect in sence and memory Thanks to God. And being sensable of the decay of nature and certainty of death, in order therefore to dispose of my temporal Estate after my decease according to my present desire, have thought it expedient to make this my last will and testament in manner and form following, to wit.
Item my will and desire is that first my just debts to be paid. Item I leave and bequeath to my son William Graves five hundred acres of land situate on licking in the county of Campbell, the title to be made by Lewis Craig, Senr. also the money he has collected from my father's Estate by virtue of a power of attorney from me to him, said William for that purpose.
Item I leave and bequeath to my son Bartlett Graves a negro man named Charles also the one half of seven hundred acres of Land on Green river, a part one thousand acres I purchased of Hubbard Taylor to him and his heirs forever.
Item I leave and bequeath to my son John Graves the tract of Land whereon I now live after the death of my wife Isabel Graves, also all my lands on the south side of Kentucky river except three hundred acres to James Randolph and Rosannah his wife and the one half of seven hundred acres to Bartlett Graves, also a negro man named Major and a boy named Paul to him and his heirs forever.
Item I leave and bequeath to my daughter Rosannah Randolph three hundred acres of land a part of the said one thousand acres on Green river purchased of Hubbard Taylor to her and her heirs forever.
Item I leave and bequeath to my daughter Isabell Hall one hundred and fifty one and a half acres situate in Campbell County and on the Ohio adjoining Wood and Ware also one negro man named Jerry and one named Anny the whole to her for and during her natural life then to be equally divided among all her children to them and their heirs forever.
Item I leave and bequeath unto my daughter Ann Hancock a negro named Rache to her use during her life and then to be divided between all her children and their heirs forever.
Item I leave and bequeath to my daughter Sally Graves a negro named Dinah to her and her heirs forever.
Item I leave to my daughter Mary Beeler a negro woman Jane, also a negro named Nelson to her and her heirs forever.
Item I leave to my daughter Liddy Graves a negro woman named Eve and all her increase to her and her heirs forever as her full proportion of my estate of what kind or nature whatsoever.
Item I leave to my loving wife Isabell Graves one half of the tract of the Land whereon I now live with the mansion house, the land to be equally divided as to cleared as well as to wood land, also the water to be divided equally, also two head of horses six head of cattle eight head of sheep with one equal half all household and kitchen furniture and farming utensils to her for and during her life, or widowhood, and if she should marry, then one third only and after her decease to be sold & equally divided between all my children except Liddy Graves who has her full part (with the regulations as above respecting Isabell Hall & Ann Hancock) the whole of the stock and furniture to be her own choice as to her part, also all my negroes not hereby otherwise disposed of to my wife for her life, and after her decease the land to my son John Graves and the negroes to be divided as above with the same exceptions and regulations as before expressed.
Item I will and desire that all the stock of horses cattle and sheep with the household and kitchen furniture and farming utensils should be sold and the money arrising from the from the same after paying debts and twenty pounds to Bartlett Collins provided he will qualify as an executor to this will to be equally divided amongst my children except Liddy Graves with the same regulations as to Isabell Hall and Ann Hancock as above to them and their heirs forever.
Lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my sons Bartlett Graves and John Graves and my friend Bartlett Collins my whole & sole executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all will heretofore made by me and declaring this to be my last will. In testimony whereof I have hereinto set my name and affixed my seal this 24th day of October 1801.
Thomas Graves {seal}
Signed sealed and }
delivered in presence of us }
James Martin
William Dickey
Jeremiah Buckley
At a court held for the County of Fayette on the 14th day of December 1801 This last will and of Thomas Graves decd was this day produced in court and proved by the oaths of James Martin William Dickey and Jeremiah Buckley subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded
Teste Levi Todd C F C
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A Copy Teste Levi Todd C F C
----------------- // ----------------
Fayette County Kentucky
In conformity to an order of the Court of the County of aforesaid This Instrument of writing is recorded as a copy of the last will and testament of Thomas Graves deceased the original and record being consumed. Given under my hand as Clerk of our said Court this 14th day of Feby 1803. Levi Todd C F C
Book A:398-9 Estate (accounting) of Thomas Graves deceased
Date | Cash Paid Out TO | Amount |
25 June 1801 | The sheriff for taxes | 6.11.5 |
14 December 1801 | For advertising estate for sale | 1.0.0 |
11 Jan 1802 | For stamp paper | 1.20.0 |
13 Jan 1802 | For crying the property | 3.0.0 |
Feb 1802 | Fee to atty at the suit of Saml Beeler | 10.0.0 |
11 Nov 1802 | For Doctor's bill | 8.83.5 |
4 Apr 1803 | For coffin | 8.0.0 |
4 Apr 1803 | For sundry officers fees to the amt of | 34.20.1 |
4 Apr 1803 | For costs at suit of Joseph Anthony | |
4 Apr 1803 | For costs in the suit of Johnson | 23.41.5 |
4 Apr 1803 | For costs in the suit of Terell | 36.58.0 |
4 Apr 1803 | For paper for the use of executors | 0.29.0 |
4 Apr 1803 | For costs in the suit of Anthony Graves | 0.134.56 |
4 Apr 1803 | Pd Bartlett Collins as an Ex agreeable to will | 66.66.6 |
4 Apr 1803 | Pd Bartlett Graves an Ex for service | 40.0.0 |
4 Apr 1803 | Pd John Graves an Ex for service | 60.0.0 |
4 Apr 1803 | TOTAL | 433.86.6 |
4 Apr 1803 | Amt of negroes paid Isabel Graves agreeable to will | 1803.33 1/3 |
4 Apr 1803 | By amt of apparisment of negroes | 1803.33 1/3 |
4 Apr 1803 | By cash recd as costs in a suit agst Hancock | 7.12.0 |
4 Apr 1803 | By amt of sales of personal property | 582.26.5 |
591.38.5 | ||
433.86.6 | ||
157.51.9 |
We whose names are hereto subscribed being appointed commissioners by the worshipful court of Fayette county to settle with the executors of Thomas Graves deceased, after examining the vouchers and other matters produced to us, do find there is a balance of one hundred and fifty seven dollars fifty one cents and nine mills due from the executors to the estate. Given under our hands this 16th day of February 1807.
Robert Wilson
Jas Wood
Wm Chinn
Fayette County April Court 1807
This settlement of the estate of Thomas Graves decd was produced in court & ordered to be recorded.
Teste Levi Todd C F C
Fayette County, Kentucky, Book D, p 455 Estate of Thomas Graves 20 May 1818
Purchasers at estate sale: John Graves, Bartlett Graves, William W. Graves, Zachariah Graves, Stephen Graves, Bartlett Hancock, Thomas G Hancock, Joe, a black man, Major, a black man, Caleb Tarleton, Minor Neil, Albert Bright, Robert Wilson, James Eastham, John Williams, Richard W Bruce, John C Redman, William Appleton, Matthew Flournoy, Martha Toomy, Bartlett Hallon, Daniel Ross, John Cordery, James Henderson, John Patterson, John Duhey, William Stevenson, Thomas Metcalfe, Samuel Bagg, Hanes Murdock, Tandy R Perry, Charles L Rudman, Michael Goddard, Nelson, Kelly, Carsell. [Just copied names not items purchaesd.]
Fayette County, Kentucky, Book E, p 40
Estate of Thomas Graves 1 Jun 1819
At a previous settlement made the excutrs of Thomas Graves deceased in the year 1807 there was in the hands of the excutrs at that Time $157.51 being in notes to the estate (Towit)
John Hacock (sic) 50 ..92
Samuel Beeler 07 ..59
Isabel Hall 31 ..68 1/4
Samuel Graves 41 ..00
131 ..19 1/2
$026 ..32 1/4
By cash received by John Graves one of the executors on the }
day of the Last Sale which was on the 20th day May 1818. } 16 ..81 1/4
[Then there's a list of cash paid out.]
1819 June 1st The amount of the Estate of Thomas Graves deceased both real and personal after paying all debts and demands as appear to us $3713.35
Each child's part being 1/8 is $469.17 1/2.
William B Graves has received $342.28
Samuel Graves has received $331.77
Isabel Graves has received $313.19
(Ann or John?) Hancock has received $94.45
(Bartlet)t Graves has received $502.12 1/2 (has to repay overage)
(Mary or Samuel) Beeler has received $15.14 1/4
(John? or Sally?) Graves has received $1000.37 1/2 (has to repay overage)
(Rosea)nna Randle
(Liddy) received no part
Undersigned commissioners met with heirs & divided amongst them.
James Wood, Moses Randolph,
Thomas Stephens, Roger Quarles
Fayette County, Kentucky, Book A, pp 5-7