In the name of God, Amen, I Thomas Graves of the County of Culpeper, being weak in body but sound of mind, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following. After my just debts are paid, my Negro’s, it is my desire, be valued (appraised) equally, amongst my children. To Thomas Graves, one equal part, to him and his heirs forever, same to Lewis Graves, same to Joseph Graves, same to Henrietta Hudson, same to May Haynes, same to Elizabeth Sims during her natural life, remainder to be equally divided amongst her children. Lewis Graves one equal part, in trust for my daughter Ann Jones, during her natural life, remainder to be equally divided amongst her three children by her first husband Richard Wait or survivors of them. To Francis Wait one equal part to her and her heirs forever. Item (1) I give my tract of land on Crooked Run to my sons Phillip and Joseph to be equally divided in quality and quantity, to them and their respective heirs forever. Item (2) I give unto my son Phillip, the choice of my horses, also my cooper’s tools. Item (3) I give unto my son Joseph second choice of my horses, with my saddle, also one bed and bedding and my wearing clothes. Item (4) It is my desire that the residue of my estate be sold to the highest bidder or bidders, on twelve months credit and the money arriving there from to be equally divided amongst all my children, in the same manner as my negro’s are to be divided, after paying Lewis Graves ten pounds, which I give him for the extraordinary trouble he as acting for Ann Jones and the other legatees living in the Carolinas. Lastly, I do appoint Henry Hill, Joseph Stewart and my sons Thomas, Lewis and Phillip Graves executors of this my last will and testament. In witness where-of, have here unto set my hand and seal, this 11 th day of December 1788.
Signed, Thos. Graves
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Wm. Powell, Wm. Pratt, and Obed Wait
Codicil to my will, It is my will that the tract of land on Crooked Run, given as to my sons Phillip and Joseph, shall be sold and the money arising there from to be applied to the payment of my just debts, it is further my will that my negro woman Fanny shall not be appraised among the rest, but, on my decease, shall have her liberty and receive the benefit of her own labor. Further, that Ann Jones shall equal with my other children and do hereby discharge my son Lewis as trustee for her as with directed and do revoke the legacy of ten pounds to him. Given under my hand and seal this 8 th day of February 1792.
Thomas Graves L.S., Elijah Beckham, Thos. And Phillip Graves Executors. Proven by Wm. Powell and Wm. Pratt Attest, John Jameson, Clerk for the County of Culpeper Virginia