I, Thomas Graves of the County of Spotsylvania thru the abundant mercy and goodness of God, though weak in body yet of a sound and of perfect understanding and memory do make ordain and constitute this my last will and testament as follows, primis, I commend myself and the whole of my estate to the mercy and protection of Almighty God, etc. I will and ordain that the funeral of my body be only such as shall beseem a Christian at the discretion of my Executors, hereinafter named. I lend to my wife Anne Graves for and during her natural life two Negro slaves Daniel and Margery. I also lend to her all of my tract of land whereon I now live in Spotsylvania County, likewise a third part of the profits arising from my mill, she paying one third part toward repairing the said mill. I also lend to my wife one third part of the stocks of cattle, horses, pigs, etc. I also lend to my wife all of my stock of household and kitchen furniture during her natural life and after my said wife’s death, my will and desire is that what I have here lent be equally divided amongst all my then surviving children or the heirs of such as shall be dead. Son, Thomas Graves, son in law Wm. Pettus and my nephew Joseph Graves Executors
Thomas Graves
Signed, October 17 th in the year of our Lord 1767
Probated, June 6, 1768